Talking Phase

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

5 episodes of Talking Phase since the first episode, which aired on May 31st, 2024.

  • Episode 5: Priority Shift | should your partner come first?

    June 28th, 2024  |  46 mins 56 secs
    blended families, dating advice, dating apps, dating etiquette, divorce, ex-girlfriend talk, family dynamics, family first, first date tips, love languages, modern dating, mormon dating, parenting, partner first, partner vs children, priority in relationships, red flags, rejection, relationship debate, relationship goals, relationship podcast, relationship priorities, relationships, the talking phase podcast, tom and pam

    In this provocative episode, hosts Tom and Pam passionately debate whether your romantic partner should take priority over your children in a relationship, challenging listeners to examine their own beliefs about love, family, and personal priorities.

  • Episode 4: Unfaithfully Yours - Love, LIES, & Alibis

    June 21st, 2024  |  49 mins 31 secs
    cheating partner, dealing with infidelity, emotional affair, infidelity, marriage counseling, physical affair, rebuilding trust, relationship advice, relationship advice podcast, relationship betrayal, relationship communication, relationship healing, relationship help, relationship issues, relationship podcast, relationship problems, relationship recovery, relationship red flags, relationship stories, relationship support, relationship therapy, relationship tips, relationship trust, trust issues

    Tom and Pam delve into the emotional complexities of infidelity, sharing personal stories and listener letters to offer candid advice on navigating trust and betrayal in relationships.

  • Episode 3: Communicating Your Needs in Dating After Divorce - LESSONS LEARNED

    June 14th, 2024  |  59 mins 52 secs
    authentic dating, believing in love again, breaking free from societal expectations, casual dating, communicating needs in dating, dating advice., dating after divorce, dating in your 40s, divorce, divorce advice, facebook dating, finding love after divorce, healing after divorce, healing after loss, inspiring love stories, mormonism, navigating relationships, overcoming heartbreak, personal growth, prioritizing happiness, relationship advice, religion and relationships, resilience, self-discovery, transforming pain into purpose

    Vicky & Mark share their journey of finding true love after navigating the challenges of multiple divorces, loss, and personal growth, proving that it's never too late to discover happiness and healing in relationships.

  • Episode 2: SEXpectations - Do men only want one thing?

    June 7th, 2024  |  51 mins 17 secs
    balancing needs, commitment issues, communication in dating, dating advice, dating challenges, dating dilemmas, dating experiences, dating insights, dating landscape, dating podcast, dating red flags, dating stories, dating struggles, dating tips, emotional connection, emotional manipulation, honesty in relationships, men and sex, modern dating, navigating relationships, physical intimacy, relationship advice, relationship experts, setting expectations, sex in relationships, understanding men, women and dating

    In this episode, Pam and Tom dive deep into the complex world of dating, exploring the age-old question of whether men prioritize sex over emotional connection, and offer valuable insights and advice for navigating the modern dating landscape while maintaining honesty, clear communication, and staying true to oneself.

  • Episode 1: Why You Shouldn't Lower Your Standards in Dating | Honest Talk

    May 31st, 2024  |  40 mins 44 secs
    dating advice, dating after divorce, dating and aging, dating and compromise, dating and relationships, dating apps, dating expectations, dating experiences, dating in midlife, dating in your 50s, dating in your 50s advice, dating in your 50s tips, dating podcast, dating standards, dating standards vs compromise, dating stories, dating tips, finding love, lowering standards in dating, modern dating challenges, relationship advice, relationships, talking phase podcast

    Tom Milligan and Pam O'Leary explore the challenges of dating in your 50s, emphasizing the importance of maintaining high standards and not settling for less in relationships.